The register_binding() and register_binding_agg() functions are used to populate a list of functions that operate on (and return) Expressions. These are the basis for the .data mask inside dplyr methods.

register_binding(fun_name, fun, registry = nse_funcs)



A string containing a function name in the form "function" or "package::function". The package name is currently not used but may be used in the future to allow these types of function calls.


A function or NULL to un-register a previous function. This function must accept Expression objects as arguments and return Expression objects instead of regular R objects.


An environment in which the functions should be assigned.


An aggregate function or NULL to un-register a previous aggregate function. This function must accept Expression objects as arguments and return a list() with components:

  • fun: string function name

  • data: Expression (these are all currently a single field)

  • options: list of function options, as passed to call_function


The previously registered binding or NULL if no previously registered function existed.

Writing bindings

When to use build_expr() vs. Expression$create()?

Use build_expr() if you need to

  • map R function names to Arrow C++ functions

  • wrap R inputs (vectors) as Array/Scalar

Expression$create() is lower level. Most of the bindings use it because they manage the preparation of the user-provided inputs and don't need or don't want to the automatic conversion of R objects to Scalar.